What a year 2018 has been, it has flown by
Blog > What a year 2018 has been, it has flown by
’What a year 2018 has been, it has flown by’’
That is probably the most common thing that we are hearing when talking to friends and family. They are right though, cause even for Heppy 2018 has been such so productive that it has gone faster than we could ever have imagined.
To sum it up, in our second year of being operational Heppy has cleaned an amazing 1091 objects which were good for 3754 cleaning hours! We expanded in to 3 other cities in The Netherlands and have achieved an overall client satisfactory rate of 91%.
To put that in perspective, at the end of 2017 (keep in mind we started in August 2017) we cleaned 113 objects, which were good for 465 cleaning hours. We were only active in Amsterdam and as far as client satisfactory goes, let’s just say ‘’we were still learning’’…
All in all we have grown exponentially! We could not have done it without the fabulous clients and household specialists that put their trust in Heppy and let’s not forget the support of friends and family.
2019 is set to be an even more spectacular year for Heppy, as it will be the year of the opening of the new Heppy HQ (in Amsterdam) and the year in which our website will be launched. The website will give a new edge to cleaning your house. You can order a household specialist in no-time and can select what you would like to have cleaned and immediately see how long it will take and what the rate will be. For the household specialist the website will enable them to choose their hourly rate and increase the rate based on positive reviews that they receive. The website will always give them jobs close by, so that way they can avoid long travel hours. Now this is just a glimpse of the website features, just wait until you see the rest on www.heppy.world.
On behalf of the Heppy management team we wish everyone a successful, healthy and most of all clean 2019! Let’s make sure we are all Heppy at the end of 2019.
Heppy new year!